Insights on Love: A Complete Guide to ACIM.

A Course in Miracles is one of the most powerful books on love ever written. While the book is written from the perspective of Christianity, it’s teachings are universal, and can be applied to either secular or religious teachings. The core idea is simple: become love, peace, and bliss, every day.

In this course, which should be taken leisurely over time, we’ll explore the key principles of ACIM, with practical tips, advice, and guidance on how you can apply the teachings in the modern world.

This course is appropriate for students of any religion. We use an easy to follow, non-religious approach that teaches you how to create more peace and love in your life.

Course Contents

Chapter Insights

Understand The Meaning of Love

* What Meditation Is, and What It Isn’t * What To Expect from Meditation * Breath Techniques to Quiet The Mind * Tips for Making The Most of a Meditation Practice * Common Myths and Pitfalls When Beginning Meditation

Daily Lessons

Build a Habit of Joy and Peace

* The Role of Meditation - Beyond the Breath * Observing Your Natural Energy of Joy * The Rise and Fall of the Solar Plexus * Stepping Back from your Thoughts * Joy-Bliss-Love-Light Always, Already Is

ACIM Audio

Listen At Home or On The Go

* Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation * Isolating and Expanding Sensory Perception * The Power of Mantras * Traditional Sanskrit Mantras * Using Simple Affirmations as Modern Mantras

Video Explanations

Take Your Study To The Next Level

* Bringing Meditation Into Your Daily Life * The Practice of Stepping Back * 30-Second Shifts: Quick Tricks to Gain Control of Your Energy * Exercises To Take With You On The Go * Recap: You Don’t Have To Be A Monk

Living from Love

A Course in Miracles is about shifting your perspective to love, peace, and the joy inherent within each and every moment. While the book is technical and difficult to understand at times, the primary meaning is actually quite simple.

In this course, you’ll learn how to dramatically increase the amount of love you experience every day. As you share more love, and learn to give ever more of yourself, you’ll find that the universe consistently provides you with a life overflowing with beauty, happiness, and abundance. 

What's Included

Month Program
Chapter Insights
Guided Meditations
Daily Exercises

About The Instructor

Hi, I’m Kyle Greenfield. I am a meditation leader, energy coach, writer, and spiritual guide. I have been practicing meditation for well over a decade, over which time I have led meditations, lectures, seminars, and retreats in the U.S., South America, and Europe.
My philosophy is simple: get happy, and everything else will work out for you. Meditation is one of many tools that aids in this process. My teaching style combines cutting edge science with ancient spiritual traditions, blending together easy-to-follow exercises from a wide range of disciplines. 

By combining these approaches, I hope to help you experience this remarkable energy for yourself!

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