How To Use The ACIM Workbook

The Course in Miracles Workbook is designed as a practical guide to implementing the teachings of the course. The point of these exercises is two-fold:
  1. They help you engage with a new perspective of the world. These lessons help you to release your past judgments and beliefs in order to see the world in a new light. Many of these ideas will be new, and some of them sound quite radical the first time you read them. Have patience, relax the tendency to discard ideas you do not believe, and let the flow of the exercises increase your energy.
  2. They are designed to help pace your spiritual progress. It is easy to become overwhelmed with this material. The exercises in the workbook are intended to be read 1 per day, giving yourself time to think about each idea and meditate on it as you move throughout your day.

Remember: The point of the entire course is to increase your ability to feel love, and to see that love reflected to you through the events of your day to day life. As you progress through the workbook, it’s best to read slowly, taking your time to process and think about each sentence or paragraph in turn. It helps if you engage with the practice of insight reading in order to understand more fully the concepts that each exercise presents.

A Course in Miracles Lesson List

Currently, the insight pages offer written explanations and tips for how to put each lesson into practice.

We plan to release additional insights and commentary to help you through these daily exercises. We are currently in production of a new podcast and video series, which we hope to offer here in the next few months. Thanks for your patience as we continue to upgrade the site.

Lesson Number Idea and Concept Details and Insights
1 Nothing I see in this room means anything. View Lesson 1
2 I have given everything I see in this room all the meaning that it has for me. View Lesson 2
3 I do not understand anything I see in this room. View Lesson 3
4 These thoughts do not mean anything. They are like the things I see in this room. View Lesson 4
5 I am never upset for the reason I think. View Lesson 5
6 I am upset because I see something that is not there. View Lesson 6
7 I see only the past. View Lesson 7
8 My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts. View Lesson 8
9 I see nothing as it is now. View Lesson 9
10 My thoughts do not mean anything. View Lesson 10.
11 My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world. View Lesson 11.
12 I am upset because I see a meaningless world. View Lesson 12.
13 A meaningless world engenders fear. View Lesson 13.
14 God did not create a meaningless world. View Lesson 14.
 15 My thoughts are images that I have made. View Lesson 15.
 16 I have no neutral thoughts. View Lesson 16.
 17  I see no neutral things. View Lesson 17.
 18  I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing. View Lesson 18.
 19  I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts. View Lesson 19.
 20  I am determined to see. View Lesson 20.
 21  I am determined to see things differently. View Lesson 21.
 22  What I see is a form of vengeance. View Lesson 22.
 23  I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts. View Lesson 23.
 24  I do not perceive my own best interests. View Lesson 24.
 25  I do not know what anything is for. View Lesson 25.
 26  My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability. View Lesson 26.
 27  Above all else I want to see. View Lesson 27.
 28 Above all else I want to see things differently. View Lesson 28.
 29 God is in everything I see. View Lesson 29.
 30 God is in everything I see because God is in my mind. View Lesson 30.