Welcome To The Joy Within.

We’re on a mission to create a happier and more peaceful world.

If you want to lead a more joyful life, The Joy Within can help.

We Believe...

1. The problems in our lives are not really about the challenges we face.

External problems are symptoms of negativity we hold within us. They point us towards the stories we tell ourselves as we go about each day.

2. Our inner stories can propel us forward or hold us back.

If we do nothing, the little negative voice in our heads will create stress, frustration, and self-doubt. This causes unnecessary struggle and destroys our peace of mind.

3. We all have a natural ability to feel calm, confident, and fulfilled.

The Joy Within shows you how to harness your natural, inner energy to step back, quiet the mind, and take back control of that little voice in your head, so you can feel happy and at peace.

natural right to feel good
find center first

Our Process...

1. The process begins by reclaiming your peace of mind.

You can only be effective when you feel calm and clear-headed, which means that learning to find center, on command, is always the first step.

2. Then, you'll learn a simple framework to help you better understand the stress and negativity you're facing.

You’ll learn about the different phases of dealing with negative thoughts, how to assess where you are in a given moment, and the right tools and strategies to apply to that specific situation.

3. Finally, you will master the art and science of controlling your inner narrative.

You will overcome limiting beliefs, release underlying fears, and step into a calmer, more confident, and more passionate version of yourself.

As you feel clearer, more inspired, and more fulfilled, life flows more easily.

What We Teach

Stress and negativity are never about external challenges.

They’re about how you respond to those challenges. 

As business owners we have to have the ability to keep moving forward no matter what obstacles crop up.

That means we have to be able to manage our stress, doubts, and other negative thoughts, even on days when we feel scattered, or frustrated, or beaten down.

We teach that the key to overcoming any challenge is to tap into an unlimited source of energy within you.


This natural, inner energy, is the source of your drive, your passion, and also your sense of well-being, peace of mind, and fulfillment.

How Your Emotions Work

When life happens, you have an emotional response.


The way you feel is determined by the stories you tell yourself about a situation.

It’s about how you interpret events and circumstances.

When those stories are positive, they propel you forward. You feel driven, or excited, or secure. But,

When those stories are negative, they hold you back. They start to chip away at you. 

That’s when you feel stressed, or upset, or defeated.

The challenge is that – most of the time – we can’t just pretend that negativity doesn’t exist.

We can’t just fake a smile, put on rose-colored glasses and hope that everything will be ok.

So we have to find a way to move authentically and deliberately from feelings of stress and negativity on the one hand, to peace of mind, excitement, and fulfillment on the other.

And that’s where you inner energy comes into play.

When you follow this process, the problems you face will no longer stress you out or tear you down, because you will always know – with absolute certainty – the right next step to take.

What To Expect from The Joy Within

I'm feeling way more grounded and peaceful, less frazzled and less easily poked! Thank you for everything!
Joyanne Horscroft
Designer, London, UK.

The Joy Within Will Help You…

Within 30 Days

You will connect with your inner energy and feel a profound sense of peace, joy, and well-being, unlike anything you have experienced.

Within 6 Monhs

You will be able to tune-in to this energy on command, and you will come to rely on it to help guide you through the challenges you face.

Within 1 Year

You will feel calm, confident, and fulfilled. Life will become more effortless and you will feel in inspired, on-purpose and eager for each day.

Most students report seeing a meaningful impact on the way they feel within the first few weeks of getting started.

Our Results Speak for Themselves

I felt more relaxed immediately - even during our first call. Kyle has such a calming presence and a clear way of thinking. Working with him has really helped me zero-in on my priorities and let the clutter fade.
Anett Eter
Entrepreneur; Zurich, CH

Meet Kurtis

Kyle has a gentle, expert way of asking questions and guiding you to make realizations for yourself.
The results have been amazing. Not just faster, but more natural, with less struggle.
Kurtis Squyres
Real Estate Investor; Palm Springs, CA

Meet Heather

There's just something about Kyle - the way he presents things is incredibly useful. And just getting into that flow, connecting with the quiet part of myself: that's where I found my power.
Heather Tromp
Therapist; Portland, OR
Kyle’s programs are great. Well laid out and concise, each gives a clear path to the goal and they really helped me. His one-on-one mentoring sessions were excellent. He quickly understood where I was on my journey and helped me pinpoint where to focus. It’s become very clear to me that virtually all of my thoughts are there simply to prop up my beliefs. This is a great revelation, and I can see it paying huge dividends, helping to calm my mind in a way that I have never really experienced before.
Joe Marcus
Media Consultant; Belfast, UK

Meet Kathy

If there's one thing people should understand. It's the POWER of The Joy Within.
Kathy Rausch
Artist, Website Design; Columbus, OH

About The Joy Within

Kyle Greenfield - Founder and CEO

Kyle Greenfield has been helping people lead more peaceful and more joyful lives since 2016. 

Kyle has studied meditation, mindfulness, and the evolution of thought for more than 20 years. He founded The Joy Within in 2018 to help others apply these timeless principles to gain practical results in our crazy, modern world.

He currently resides in London with his wife Olivia and labradoodle Daphne. 

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For general inquiries, partnerships, and engagements, please contact: admin@thejoywithin.org

For billing and payment inquiries, please contact: billing@thejoywithin.org

The Joy Within is registered in The Commonwealth of Virginia as: TheJoyWithin.org LLC.