Welcome To The Joy Within.

We show entrepreneurs how to reduce stress, prevent burnout, and make clear, confident decisions that will grow their business…without the headaches.

If you’ve been feeling stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, or just…worn out:

The Joy Within Can Help.

We Believe...

1. The problems in your business are not really about your business.

They’re about the stories you tell yourself as you go through each day.

2. Your inner stories can propel you forward or hold you back.

If you do nothing, the little voice in your head will cause unnecessary stress, frustration, self-doubt, and other crippling negativity that can derail your business.

3. You have a natural ability to feel calm, confident, and fulfilled.

The Joy Within shows you how to harness your natural, inner energy to step back, quiet the mind, and take back control of that little voice in your head.

natural right to feel good

As you feel clearer, more inspired, and more fulfilled, your business will prosper.

find center first

Our Process...

1. The process begins by reclaiming your peace of mind.

You can only be effective when you feel calm and clear-headed, which means that learning to find center, on command, is always the first step.

2. Then, you'll learn a simple framework to help you better understand the stress and negativity you're facing.

You’ll learn about the different phases of dealing with stress, how to assess where you are in a given moment, and the right tools and strategies to apply to that specific situation.

3. Finally, you will master the art and science of controlling your inner narrative.

You will overcome the beliefs that have been holding you back, release the fears underlying your stress, and step into a calmer, more confident, and more passionate version of yourself.

When you follow this process, the problems you face will no longer stress you out or tear you down, because you will always know – with absolute certainty – the right next step to take.

About The Joy Within

Kyle Greenfield - Founder and CEO

Kyle Greenfield has been working with entrepreneurs and small businesses since 2008. 

As a 3-time entrepreneur, he understands the unique challenges business owners face and the importance of managing stress while growing a business. 

Kyle has studied meditation, mindfulness, and the evolution of thought for more than 20 years and founded The Joy Within in 2018 to help others apply these timeless principles to gain practical results in our crazy, modern world.

He currently resides in London with his wife Olivia and labradoodle Daphne. 

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For general inquiries, partnerships, and engagements, please contact: admin@thejoywithin.org

For billing and payment inquiries, please contact: billing@thejoywithin.org

The Joy Within is registered in The Commonwealth of Virginia as: TheJoyWithin.org LLC.

Get Started with a Free Assessment

Peace of mind begins with a conversation.

Get started with a 30-minute call. We will…

1. Identify the #1 Problem You’re Facing.

2. Clarify the Root Cause of that Problem, and

3. Decide on a Plan to Eliminate Stress & Negativity.