Quiet The Mind: Introduction To Meditation
Watch Lesson 1: Now I Am Breathing In.
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Quiet The Mind: 30-Day Introduction to Meditation
Start meditating the right way.
This course shows you how to find stillness and connect to your natural, inner energy by guiding you through different approaches to meditation.
You will learn the core principles of meditation and will be guided into deep states of peace and relaxation.
By the end of the course you will:
- Discover a simple method for quieting the mind
- Find the meditation style that’s right for you.
- Feel refreshed, relaxed, centered, and clear.
Module 1: Getting Started with the Breath.
- Lesson 4: A Single Point of Focus (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 5: Following the Flow of Air (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
Module 2: Finding Stillness
- Lesson 6: The Space Between (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 7: The Qualities of Stillness (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 8: The Seat of Intuition (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 9: Finding Joy in This Moment (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 10: Joy Is Always Available (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
Module 3: Exploring the Breath
- Lesson 11: Ujjayi Breath (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 12: Uneven Breath Counts (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 13: Alternate Nostril Breathing (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 14: Kapalabhati - Skull Shining Breath (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 15: Beginning Bandha Technique (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
Module 4: Tuning-in to The Eternal Now
- Lesson 16: Awakening to the Present Moment (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 17: What Is Presence? (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 18: Releasing Past and Future Thought (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 19: Developing Mindfulness of Sound (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 20: Developing Mindfulness of Touch (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
Module 5: Guiding Your Thoughts
- Lesson 21: Thought is Not the Enemy of Stillness (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 22: I Am Not My Thoughts (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 23: The Art of Feel-Thinking (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 24: Tuning-in to Resonance (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 25: Choosing Resonant Thoughts (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
Module 6: Meditation in Modern Life
- Lesson 26: Developing the Habit of Meditation (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 27: Meditation Doesn't Have To Be "Official" (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 28: Soft-Gazing Meditation (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 29: Managing the Ups and Downs (Upgrade Now To Unlock)
- Lesson 30: What to Expect and Where to Go from Here (Upgrade Now To Unlock)

About The Instructor:
Kyle Greenfield has over 20 years’ experience working with meditation, mindfulness, and the evolution of thought. As Founder and CEO of The Joy Within, Kyle helps individuals across the globe eliminate stress and negativity by connecting to the natural, inner joy that is always available to us.
He currently resides in London with his wife Olivia and labradoodle Daphne.
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