Discover The Path of The Unlimited Mind
A 3-Part Program to Transcend Negativity, Eliminate Mental Blocks, and Build the Foundations of Abundance.
- Discover Why Lack Does Not Exist
- Overcome Negativity and Build Strong Mental Habits
- Master Your Thoughts and Escape the Ego-Mind
- Lay The Foundations for Prosperity in Your Life
- Understand How The Law of Attraction Governs Your Life
- Get Unstuck and Build Unstoppable Momentum
Grab Your All-Access Pass To The Joy Within.
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Start The Path to Prosperity
A 3 Part Course to Gain Control of Your Thoughts, Develop Prosperity Consciousness, and Build Rapid, Sustainable Momentum Towards Your Goals.
Part I
Foundations of Prosperity
Learn how to transcend negativity, eliminate mental blocks, and build the foundations of abundance in every area of your life.
This workshop teaches you how to use awareness as the essential key to a prosperous life.
Part I Includes:
- The Stepping Back Playbook
- Module 1: The Subtleties of Scarcity
- Module 2: The Foundations of Prosperity Consciousness
Part II
Gaining Mental Mastery
As you move beyond the ego, you can begin to use your mind for its true purpose and live with greater ease, excitement, and joy.
This workshop teaches practical strategies for mastering your thoughts and creating empowering beliefs.
Part II Includes:
- The Positive Thinking Playbook
- Module 3: Essential Strategies for the Discerning Mind
- Module 4: Building The Momentum of Abundance
Part III
Getting Into The Vortex
Discover the secret to effective transformation, and learn how to master your mood, with simple secrets for effortless manifestation.
In this workshop, you will learn how The Law of Attraction really works, and how you can use it to accomplish your goals.
Part III Includes:
- The Law of Attraction Playbook
- Module 5: Thoughts Create Reality
- Module 6: Living in Vibrational Alignment
What Does It Take To Be Happy, Peaceful, and Abundant, EVERY SINGLE DAY?
Do you believe that true, unlimited prosperity is possible for you?
The truth is, prosperity – real, lasting prosperity – is a habit. It is a feeling, a mindset you have to develop before you will see your goals manifest in the world around you.
That’s because everything that you have, everything that you are, and everything that you want to become, always begins within the mind.
When you focus on developing the right mental habits, when you learn how to become aware of what you’re really thinking and how to gain control over those thoughts, the symbols of abundance – the health, wealth, and love we all want – will fall into place naturally.
Achieving this mindset is not difficult.
Developing prosperity consciousness is a simple process that anyone can follow. In The Unlimited Mind, I explain the exact steps you can use to lay the foundation for well-being in your own life.
First, I will show you how to become more aware of your thoughts.
99.9% of the time, we are completely blind to the origins of our unhappiness and limiting beliefs.
When you learn how to step back and uncover what you’re really thinking, you lay the groundwork for massive, rapid breakthroughs in all areas of your life.
I will teach you how to step back from your thoughts, identify the ego’s endless chatter, detach from the stories you tell yourself, and rely on a constant feeling of joy, peace, and well-being that rests within you.
Then, I will give you clear strategies to gain control of your own mind.
Most of us are never taught how to think. So, we feel like victims to our own thoughts.
But, once you have the right set of tools, you’ll see that there are very simple strategies you can use to master your mind and start living a life of near-infinite potential.
I believe that the key to lasting breakthroughs is KNOWLEDGE + EXPERIENCE.
So, we’ll go through different strategies you can use for different real-world situations. We’ll look at what you can do when you inevitably get stuck, and how you can leverage the momentum of thought to move past any resistance you have along the way.
The Course Includes...
- A simple, step-by-step program develop prosperity consciousness.
- 40+ lessons and exercises to release limiting thoughts and build positive momentum.
- A proven 90-day schedule that will guarantee success.
- One-on-One instructor access for questions and support.
- 60 guided meditations to quiet the mind and create an abundance mindset.
- 50% off additional private coaching.
Access The Unlimited Mind with Happiness University
Get an All-Access Pass to Hundreds of Meditations, Lessons, and Exercises to Increase Your Joy, Reduce Stress, and Master Your Mindset.
Course Syllabus
- The Hidden Causes of Lack
- How To Uncover Lack Beliefs
- Why We Are Unconsciously Unhappy
- A Clear Path to Mental Freedom
- A Quick Daydream
- The Stepping Back Playbook
- 30 Seconds to Change Your Life
- Taking Time for Peace
- Creating a Daily Habit
- How Much Is Enough?
- Single Word Mantras
- Short Affirmations
- Lingering in Ujjayi
- Conscious Smiling
- Setting an Intention
- Module 1: The Subtleties of Scarcity
- Becoming Aware of Our Thoughts
- Noticing Thoughts
- The World of The Ego Mind
- Exploring The Layers of Thought
- Thoughts Create Systems of Reality
- Dissociating from the Actor
- All Thoughts Are Neutral
- Experiencing The Neutrality of Thought
- Module II: The Foundations of Prosperity Consciousness
- Finding Stillness
- Taking in The Good
- Resonance – The Path to Peace
- Imagining Enlightenment
- The Art of Feel-Thinking
- Identifying the Feeling of Thought
- The Discerning Mind
- Pick a Thought Every Minute
- The Positive Thinking Playbook
- The Dangers of Positive Thinking
- Blinded By Focus
- How To Practice Positivity
- The Fundamental Strategy for Positive Thinking
- Don’t Beat Yourself Up
- Catching Complaints
- Changing State
- Positive Scripting
- Softening Vocabulary
- Module 3: Essential Strategies for the Discerning Mind
- Catching Negativity Early
- Identifying Triggers
- Distracting Yourself from Bad Moods
- Create a Happy List
- Choosing General vs. Specific Thoughts
- Observing the Intensity of Thought
- Relaxing Urgency
- Nothing Needs to Happen Right Now
- Relaxing Permanency
- Small Changes to Everything
- Module 4: Building The Momentum of Abundance
- The Momentum of Thought
- The Three Magic Phrases
- Gaining Clarity
- Breaking Down Conflicting Thoughts
- Building a Strong Mental Image
- A Wild Imagination
- Focusing on Past Progress
- Appreciating Your Wins
- Prioritizing Happiness
- A Day in the Flow
- The Law of Attraction Playbook
- The Basic Principles of Attraction
- Observing The Law of Attraction in Your Life
- Working with The Law of Attraction
- Finding Your Point of Attraction
- The Importance of Gratitude
- Taking in the Good
- Unconditional Appreciation
- How to Practice Appreciation
- How to do a Rampage of Appreciation
- The Strange Secret of Abundance
- Module 5: Thoughts Create Reality
- Thoughts Create Reality
- Observing the Impact of Thought
- What Is Resonance?
- The Key to Intuitive Knowing
- Guided Meditation and Thought Exercise
- How To Gain Control of Your Thoughts
- Moving Thoughts Into Alignment
- Using Momentum to Overcome Resistance
- Echo Affirmations Using the 3 Magic Phrases
- Module 6: Living in Vibrational Alignment
- The Mechanics of Vibration
- “Seeing” Vibration
- Viewing Life in Terms of Energy
- Correlating Energy and Outcome
- Trusting Synchronicity
- Common Obstacles to Manifestation
- Training Vibrational Muscle
- The Game of Manifestation
- The Trail of Excitement
- Quiet The Mind: An Introduction to Meditation (30 days)
- Abundance Meditation Series (30 days)
About The Instructor
I take a hands-on approach to teaching, focusing on practical tools and exercises that will help you identify and overcome your blocks in the fastest time possible, using cutting-edge strategies backed by neuroscience, psychology, and physics.