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Eckhart Tolle Explains How To Quiet The Mind

If you’re seeking to develop a spiritual practice, one of the fundamental skills you need to master is the ability to quiet the mind.

Only when you quiet your mind can you begin to become present in the current moment, and live with a state of ineffable joy and bliss. Thus, Tolle teaches that finding stillness is the first step towards getting rid of the pain body and releasing your suffering. Because it is through stillness that we can hear the callings of the present moment.

But how, exactly, do you learn to stop the voice in your head? In this video, Eckhart Tolle explains how to quiet the mind.

If you listen to this video and still can’t stop thinking, try this meditation trick.

Video: How To Stop the Voice in the Head

Whether you struggle with hyperactive thoughts, anxiety, depression, or simply can’t seem to shut your mind off when you want to meditate or relax, the solution is always to begin to focus your awareness, develop a sense of presence and be present in the moment.

The number 1 way to focus your awareness is to draw attention to your breath, which you can do through any of a number of pranayama techniques, or even just a simple meditation to notice as your breath moves in and out of your body.

Related Video: Eckhart Tolle Explains How To Avoid Getting Lost in Suffering.

Music To Quiet The Mind – Free Download

Eckhart has also release a wonderful album of meditation music, entitled, Music to Quiet The Mind. This is a great album to have calming background music, allowing you to focus on your breath. The album is a great mix of both Eastern and Western music, and can be used for relaxation, meditation, or sleep.

You can purchase the album via iTunes or Amazon, or click here to access it for free using Spotify.

Or, click here to access my favorite guided meditations with music by Abraham Hicks.

Kyle Greenfield

Kyle Greenfield is the Founder and CEO of The Joy Within, where our mission is to help you win the fight against stress and negativity by harnessing the power of your natural, inner joy. Kyle has been teaching on meditation, mindfulness, and how to eliminate negative thoughts since 2016. He currently resides in London. You can follow Kyle on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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