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Om Aieem Hreem Mantra Meaning and How To Use It

The Sanskrit mantra, Om Aieem Hreem can be used to bring in powerful healing. Sanskrit has been mainly used as a philosophical language within the religions of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. It is known as the mother of all languages and is one of the oldest languages in the world.

What Does It Mean?

To explain this mantra, let’s break down the meaning behind each word. Each word within this mantra is also a bija or seed mantra. Bija mantras are single syllable mantras with a specific focus. These mantras hold an entire teaching within them by themselves. They work like a portal to bring you to embody its message.

  • Om – is believed to be the sound of all creation and that all the possibilities lie within this sound. It also opens the crown chakra.
  • Aieem – represents the divine essence of universal wisdom that operates throughout all consciousness. This connects to the goddesses Saraswati and the energy of intuitive creation.
  • Hreem- is related to the goddess energy, her life-giving essence, pure creativity potential also known as Prakriti. It also opens the door for higher consciousness and birthing new life.

All together this mantra works to invoke the healing energy of the divine feminine goddess. It includes sparking manifestation powers, compassion, fluidity, death when necessary, and the unveiling the true essence.

The Law Of Pure Potentiality

When using this mantra you are practicing the law of pure potentiality, as stated within Deepak Chopras 21 day meditation challenge, where he guides you through a meditation lesson each day.

The law of pure potentiality states that our natural way of being is in the realm of pure awareness and within here is unlimited potential.

This law reminds us of the way energy is unbound before it begins to manifests and that although we are perceiving a tangible world there are limitless possibilities.

We are the creators of our world and when we slow down we can begin to notice the subtle layers of our beingness. Then we can begin to notice the pure potential that is resting in our hands.

How To Uses Om Aieem Hreem Mantra

Chanting a mantra is a powerful way to embody and align yourself to its meaning. A mantra is a sacred sounds or words that hold a specific intention.

It is often repeated in a meditative space in order to align with its message. To begin chanting this mantra, find a comfortable and quiet space where you can be undisturbed.

You can set the mood by lighting candles, finding a nice space outside, or cleaning the area you plan to meditate in. The environment you meditate in can have a direct impact on your ability to focus.

• Bring your awareness to your breath and take note of the state it is in without trying to change it
• Scan your body with your mind’s eye and focus on where your body makes contact with the earth
• Spend at least five minutes arriving into a more calm and centered mental space before beginning chanting
• You can use mala beads to assist you in chanting, chant in your head upon each exhale, or verbally chant aloud
• Repeat the chant for at least ten minutes to reap all the benefits of the meditation
• You can set a timer so that you know when to bring your focus back and so that you do not lose your mental focus wondering how long it has been
• Bring your focus back to your breathe and take notice of the state of your mental body once it has returned to silence
• Feel your body connecting with the ground once again and when you are ready, open your eyes

If your mind wanders off during meditation try these tips to gently bring it back. It is called a meditation practice because it is not meant to be perfect and every day you will be in a different mental state.

Other Ways To Incorporate This Mantra

You can bring this mantra into your meditation practice simply by repeating it in your head. You do so on the exhale of your breath just as if you were saying the mantra aloud.

Mentally chanting this mantra within your head will give you the relaxing benefit of lengthening your exhale which activates the parasympathetic nervous system, also known as out rest and digest response within the body.

By mentally chanting this mantra you are still able to access the healing benefits of the mantra, although the more intentional you can be with it the more benefits you can reap.

At Cleveland University, research shows when we feel connected to the meaning behind the mantra it increased the release of healing chemicals in the brain. This is called the Psycholinguistic effect [PLE]. Learn more about the benefits of chanting here.

Further Reading

To continue learning about mantras click one of the options below to dive deeper into their meaning.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. N Ranga prasad

    excellent explanation for the mantra.

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