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Zen Proverb: The Wise Man And The Horse

Everything we think is a story.

There’s an old Zen proverb about a wise man and a horse. One day, this beautiful, strong stallion shows up on the man’s land – and everyone in town is jealous. They tell him how lucky he is to find such a beautiful horse.

And the wise man smiles peacefully and says, “We’ll see.”

Then his son goes out to tame the horse so they can use it on the farm. The horse is so strong, so wild, he throws the son off and the son breaks his leg. Then everyone says “Oh, how unfortunate! This is so terrible. What bad luck!”

And the wise man smiles peacefully and says, “We’ll see.”

The next week, the army comes to town. There’s a war brewing, and they conscript all the young men to fight, except for the wise man’s son, who can’t walk on his broken leg. The villagers again praise the man. They say: “Oh, how wonderful. You get to keep your son while ours are away at war.”

And the wise man smiles peacefully and says: “We’ll see.”

The point is: we’re constantly labeling the events in the world around us. Everything that happens to us, we proclaim to be good, or bad.

But we don’t actually know.

The meaning is self-imposed –> and the way we interpret these events matters…a lot.

Our inner stories impact the way we feel, the actions we take, and the results we get from life.

Anytime we feel negative – that negative emotion is a clue for us to change our story.

If we can do that – if we can just get out of our own heads – we can smile peacefully at any situation life brings.

The good news is:

We all have the ability to silence that negative voice and turn towards our inner joy.

Here at The Joy Within, we break it down into a simple, 3-step process:

  1. Catch the negative thought.
  2. Shift your focus to the joy within you.
  3. Feel centered and at peace…no matter what.

Once you know how to follow this process, you’ll be able to change any negative emotion to a positive one.

That means you’ll be able to feel good, on command –> because you won’t be at the mercy of the world around you.

That’s the wise man’s secret.

He stays focused on The Joy Within.

Anything less than that, and we’re selling ourselves short of our own happiness.

When you’re ready to make that shift, we’re here to help.

The Joy Within gives you a simple, guided path to eliminate stress and negative thinking, by harnessing the power of your natural, inner joy.

It’s free to get started –> then just $1/day after your first week.

Click Here To Activate The Joy Within.

Because you deserve to smile peacefully at life.

Kyle Greenfield

Kyle Greenfield is the Founder and CEO of The Joy Within, where our mission is to help you win the fight against stress and negativity by harnessing the power of your natural, inner joy. Kyle has been teaching on meditation, mindfulness, and how to eliminate negative thoughts since 2016. He currently resides in London. You can follow Kyle on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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