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Karuna Hum Mantra Meaning and Interpretation

Kauna Hum is a sacred mantra in the ancient language of Sanskrit. Sanskrit is sometimes referred to as the mother of all languages and is one of the oldest languages in the world. It has been found in scriptures of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. It has mainly been used as a philosophical language within these religions.

Mantra translated and broken down from Sanskrit, “man” meaning mind and “tra” which can be understood as to transfer or transport. Through this translation, we can understand a mantra works as a conduit for higher states of consciousness which can implement profound healing.

Meaning Of Karuna Hum Mantra

The mantra Kauna Hum invokes deep compassion for all beings and reconnects us to the remembrance of our divine interconnectedness. To deepen the meaning and message behind this mantra even further we can break down the individual words:

  • Karuna – deep compassion and universal love for all beings. Similar to the Sanskrit word meta which means loving-kindness. This speaks of recognizing oneself within another.
  • Hum – translates to I am

This mantra creates harmony, peace, and a deep understanding. It reawakens divine love within us so we can find compassion for every living being and act as a conduit for kindness.

The Law Of Pure Potentiality

When using this mantra you are practicing the law of pure potentiality, as stated within Deepak Chopras 21 day meditation challenge, where he guides you through a meditation lesson each day.

The law of pure potentiality states that our natural way of being is in the realm of pure awareness and within here is unlimited potential.

This law reminds us of the way energy is unbound before it begins to manifests and that although we are perceiving a tangible world there are limitless possibilities.

We are the creators of our world and when we slow down we can begin to notice the subtle layers of our beingness. Then we can begin to notice the pure potential that is resting in our hands.

How To Use A Mantra

A mantra when chanted, spoken or thought can act as a portal and transport the speaker to higher levels of consciousness and a place illuminated with love. Mantras should be used consistently to reap the full benefits of the mantra.

Try sticking to using it on a regular basis for a prolonged length of time. It is okay to work with one mantra or two mantras at a time as it is important to work intentionally with them.

This prolonged period of working with the mantra will give your mind time to attune to its teaching as well as reprogram limiting beliefs.

To begin working with the mantra a great technique is incorporating in within a morning meditation practice. To do so come into a comfortable position somewhere you can remain focus and undistracted.

You can set the space by lighting incense, candles, sage, adjusting lighting, or even lightly cleaning the space you plan to meditate in as the tidiness of the space can directly impact your mental state. Then after coming into focus with your breath begin chanting the mantra aloud.

You can speak it, chant it slowly on each exhale, or chant it quicker saying multiple rounds on each exhale. It is important to stay in the present moment and continuously bring your thoughts back to the mantra if they wander.

We recommend at least ten minutes of chanting the mantra although simply taking the time to intentionally connect with the mantra for one minute holds the potential to alter your consciousness as well.

When speaking, chanting, or thinking the mantra repetitively it has the power to rewire subconscious thoughts, habitual patterns, and dissolve limiting beliefs.

Listen To Karuna Hum Mantra

Here is a video playing the mantra Karuna Hum repetitively. You can find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and play this video. Connect to the meaning of the mantra mentally while you listen to it chanted as this will amplify the effects.

Karuna Hum - Gratitude Meditation Experience by Deepak Chopra – Oprah Winfrey

Further Reading

To continue learning about mantras click one of the options below to dive deeper into their meaning.

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