You are currently viewing Free PDF Downloads of Neville Goddard’s Best Books

Free PDF Downloads of Neville Goddard’s Best Books

Neville Goddard published 10 books during his life, in addition to an extensive speaking career during which he gave innumerable lectures and seminars.

All of his teachings revolve around what he described as the psychological interpretation of The Bible, which teaches how man can evolve into an clear, conscious understanding of how to use imagination to create reality.

Goddard was independently wealthy and gave many of his lectures for free or nominal cost. All of his books are now in the public domain, and can be found below.

Neville Goddard Books: PDF Downloads and Ebooks

Feeling Is The Secret – Free PDF Download

Feeling is the Secret was originally published in 1944 and is one of Neville Goddard’s most influential works. In it, he uses the Bible as a reference point to explain the evolution of the psychology of Man, and explains how you create your reality through your imagination. When you can create a clear image of your desire, you can feel into the state of being it takes to become that desire, and the results will manifest in your life.

Out Of This World: Thinking Fourth Dimensionally – Free PDF Download

In Out of This World: Thinking Fourth Dimensionally, Goddard offers a new paradigm for how we can think about our lives. Originally published in 1949, Goddard uses a series of case studies to illuminate how you can think from then end, and imagine the feeling of the wish fulfilled in order to create the circumstances you most desire in your life.

At Your Command – Free PDF Download

At Your Command explains Goddard’s Principle of Expression. In it, he outlines how we express our deepest thoughts and desires in the world around us, and how we can use this knowledge to cultivate a deliberate attitude of success at any goal.

Awakened Imagination – Free PDF Download

Originally published in 1954, Awakened Imagination explains Goddard’s philosophy of the concept of the Christ within each of us. This principle represents a universal force that makes forgiveness possible and causes us to become empowered to achieve any aim.

Your Faith Is Your Fortune – Free PDF Download

In 1941 Neville Goddard published his second book, Your Faith Is Your Fortune. This book goes to explain the foundation in which we all experience reality, our awareness, and our pure consciousness. Nevile covers within this book when the human consciousness imagines itself as something, it will then become it. Through imagining and visualization we can attune ourself to that which we want to experience.

The Law and The Promise – Free PDF Download

Within this book Neville Goddard gets into the nitty gritty details of imagination. The true nature of reality and man’s imagination will inspire you when you come to understand just how it works through Neville’s book. This book can be read slowly to drink up all its wise teachings!

The Power of Awareness – Free PDF Download

This book was written in 1952 and guides you through the unveiling of the substance of life, consciousness. Neville Goddard teaches the actual steps to manifestation which include being ready to let the you that lives the reality wanting your dreams to die in order for the you that lives the life of your dreams to take over.

Seedtime and Harvest – Free PDF Download

This book teaches the fine details of mentally writing out the drama of your desires. It includes many real-life examples of people’s experiences using Neville’s explained techniques. These examples are even from people using imagination techniques without fully being aware that is what they are doing. Neville breaks down the process of how using your imagination works so that you can perfect how you approach using it.

Prayer, The Art of Believing – Free PDF Download

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Neville wrote, “This book is an attempt to reduce the unknown to the known, by pointing out conditions on which prayers are answered, and without which they cannot be answered.” Understanding human imagination and how our belief system impacts our reality is incredibly important in being able to work with manifestation.

Freedom For All – Free PDF Download

Within Freedom For All Neville Goddard explains his interpretation of the bible and relates it to human consciousness. He explains how there is no accident or external force that has predestined our life. The key is within working with your subconscious by shifting your feelings. This is a powerful book to learn exactly how human consciousness works and then creates what we assume as the external and separate.

More Downloads Are Coming Soon…

We’re working on creating digital, public domain volumes of all of Goddard’s work. Be sure to check back soon for more free downloads, as we work our way through the following list!

The Search

The Creative Use of Imagination

Further Resources

To learn more about Neville Goddard’s teachings, check out the following posts.

Kyle Greenfield

Kyle Greenfield is the Founder and CEO of The Joy Within, where our mission is to help you win the fight against stress and negativity by harnessing the power of your natural, inner joy. Kyle has been teaching on meditation, mindfulness, and how to eliminate negative thoughts since 2016. He currently resides in London. You can follow Kyle on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Ezra

    Can I get free downloads

    1. thejoywithin

      Hi Ezra, yes we’re working on getting free downloads available for Goddard’s books that are in the public domain. We’ll be updating links on this page as we do!

      1. David

        Thank you so much

      2. Euodia

        Thanks for the sharing these beautiful gems with me. I deeply appreciate all of them.

  2. Sharon

    Thank you so much.

  3. Jack Morris

    Very interesting want to know more,good stuff.

  4. Stephanie Wilson

    Thank you for making all these available to us. Apparently Neville was the precursor to the modern day Law of Attraction and Manifesting Gurus out there. Interesting that he combined it without apology with his belief in Christianity. So many now make it completely secular.

    1. Romina

      low of assumption actually not low of attraction. and also he was not a religious man so that you know.

      1. Romina


  5. Meluleki modise

    Thank you so much I absolutely live Neville Goddard’s teachings.

  6. Meluleki modise


  7. Julia

    thank you so much we need people like you to preserve this knowledge for humanity

  8. Gina

    Thank you for these books. I only started listening to Neville about two weeks ago. His message corresponds closely to the Western Ageless Wisdom teachings I have been studying for the last 9 years.
    I hope it is okay if I upload these books to my website (also all free downloadable esoteric books).
    If this is not acceptable , please let me know and I will remove them.

    1. thejoywithin

      Yes, the books are in the public domain so you are free to use them. We’d appreciate a link back to cite them here though!

  9. Peggy Sue Dyer

    Thank you so much for these great resources for me and my Coaching Clients. The Power of Awareness changed the outcomes of my life in a very positive way !!!! 🙂 🙂 God Bless The Joy Within

  10. Richard

    Much gratitude for the pdf books! And it was quite a pleasant surprise to click on the link and download the book straight away! I will certainly recommend to any interested in Neville Goddard books. Any idea if there is a site for audio versions as well? That would be great.

  11. Abbas

    Thank you so much

  12. isha

    this page is super helpful
    i wish you an abundance of happiness, health, love , wealth, prosperity etc Thank you so much for creating this site

  13. Isaya


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