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Contact Your Spirit Guide: Meditation and Hypnosis

Are you looking for inner guidance, but have you struggled to connect with your spirit guides? Or maybe you have connected with your guides in the past, and the next step is to deepen your relationship with them.

In either case, the information and guided meditations below are sure to help!

How To Contact Your Spirit Guides

Before you try out either of the following meditations, make sure you understand the basics of how to connect with your inner guides. One way is to use meditation to enter your Akashic Records, and work directly with a guide to ask specific questions.

I’ve written a comprehensive Beginner’s Guide to the Akashic Records, if that’s the route you want to take.

Another option is to work with your personal or familial guides. These are spirits that have been with you throughout your life, and with whom you can connect at any time.

The key is to relax and quiet your mind to the point that your inner voice becomes clear. If you don’t feel like you can relax your conscious mind just yet, there are many breath exercises you can do to stop mind-chatter, and with practice you’ll be able to hear your inner voice more clearly.

You might also be interested in our 30-day Introduction to Quieting the Mind to help you prepare for deeper meditation practices..

The Best Spirit Guide Meditation for Beginners

So, without further ado, here’s one of my absolute favorite meditations to work with your guides. It’s about 30 minutes, which is plenty of time to have a deep meditation and ask and receive any answers you need. This meditation is tailored to those new to spirit guide meditations, and walks you step by step through the process.

Hypnosis to Connect with Your Guides through Lucid Dreaming

If you’ve tried the meditation about and want to go deeper, or felt like you didn’t have enough time to fully connect with your guides, then I recommend you try the following hypnosis.

It’s quite a bit longer, and uses the background tones to help lull you into a deeper trance state. This relaxes your mind on a subconscious level, and helps you to enter a state just on the edge of sleep.

That deep relaxation gives you the opportunity to use lucid dreaming to contact your guides. Your conscious mind will have just enough input to direct the flow of the dream, but your subconscious will be active enough for you to hear and see clearly your inner inspiration.

Hope you enjoy!

Kyle Greenfield

Kyle Greenfield is the Founder and CEO of The Joy Within, where our mission is to help you win the fight against stress and negativity by harnessing the power of your natural, inner joy. Kyle has been teaching on meditation, mindfulness, and how to eliminate negative thoughts since 2016. He currently resides in London. You can follow Kyle on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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