Louise Hay: Morning Meditation
Here’s one of my favorite morning meditations from Louise Hay, reknowned spiritual author and one of the original leaders of New-Thought, focusing on how managing your energy can drastically improve your life.
Listen to this meditation in a quiet place every morning, building it into a daily habit of meditation, and you’ll see incredible positive results in your life!
Gratitude Meditations for Positive Energy
If you’re just starting to develop a meditation practice, finding the right guided meditations can be challenging and overwhelming., but It can also be loads of fun. The key is to experiment with a lot of different styles of meditation in order to find which ones work best for you. Don’t feel like you have to force yourself into any one style or teaching.
Building up a daily habit of meditation is extremely important if you want to build positive energy in your life, and one of the best ways to go about that is to start with gratitude meditations. Gratitude meditations are one of the easiest ways to create positive momentum in your life, which you can then apply to any topic or area you’d like to focus on.
That’s why I really love this meditation. Give it a try and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Who Is Louise Hay? A Short Bio
Hay was born in October of 1926, and later became strongly influenced by the Religious Science and New Thought movements, in particular the works by Ernest Holmes and Florence Scovel Shinn, both of whom taught the power of the mind to influence one’s physical circumstances and environment.
Hay became a strong advocate of the power of using the mind for positive thinking, teaching that the key to health and success was in the ability to gain control of your thoughts. She was a student not only of these philosophies, but also of Transcendental meditation, which she studied at the Maharishi University in Iowa.
Beautifully taking us through the miracles which we should not take for granted. May Louis Hay be healthy and happy always!