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How To Do A Primordial Sound Meditation

What Is Primordial Sound Meditation?

Primordial Sound Meditation is a style of meditation rooted in the Vedic tradition of India. It relies on a series of fundamental tones, or mantras, that help to attune your individual vibration to the unified field of energy that permeates all of existence.

These meditations use a combination of the sound Om, which is traditionally considered to be the root sound vibration of the entire universe, and is also known as the sound of God, with a personal mantra that is tailored to you based on your birth date and time, using a Hindu astrological system.

This primordial sound is calculated according to an ancient Vedic system, and represents the vibration that was present at your specific time of birth. In this way, you can become attuned to your most natural self.

If you have never worked with mantras before, I suggest you read more about mantra meditation here, before continuing with the personal mantra.

If you are new to meditation, you may also want to try this easy meditation practice first.

Finding Your Personal Mantra for PSM

To practice primordial sound meditations effectively, you need to figure out what your personal mantra is. According to Deepak Chopra, you do this by using a calculation based on your birth time and place called Nakshatra.

Nakshatra is a system of Vedic astrology that is based on a lunar calendar. In Hindu traditions it is used to predict certain personlity traits, marriage compability, and other important life events, similar to the role of an astrological birth sign.

To find your Nakshatra, you can use an online calculator, such as Prokerala. You simply enter your birth details and you’ll get a chart that looks something like this:

Your Nakshatra will have a name, as well as a specific number called a pada. You will need both of these elements to find your mantra.

Begin With Your Beej (Seed Mantra)

Once you know your Nakshatra, you can then use a seed mantra chart, such as the one below, to determine your individual sound. This seed mantra is also called a Beej. Using the example from above, we find that the seed mantra sound for Kritika Pada 2 is: Im.

Knowing this, we can then place this sound into the middle of our mantra, resulting in: OM Im Namah.

Deepal Chopra on Sacred Mantras and a Guided Primordial Sound Meditation

In this video, Deepak Chopra offers some really great insights about sacred mantras and doing a primordial sound mantra that is tailor made to you. He describes sacred mantra as any mantra that brings you into heart-centered consciousness.

Towards the end of the video he also offers a short meditation your can incorporate into your daily practice.

Additional Training and Resources

As I mentioned above, there is no single right or wrong way to meditate. Primordial Sound Meditation is a very specific style of meditation, and will not be right for everyone.

In order to access more resources and trainings in order to find the meditation that’s right for you, consider the following resources:

For more resources on mantra meditation, visit the following pages:

Kyle Greenfield

Kyle Greenfield is the Founder and CEO of The Joy Within, where our mission is to help you win the fight against stress and negativity by harnessing the power of your natural, inner joy. Kyle has been teaching on meditation, mindfulness, and how to eliminate negative thoughts since 2016. He currently resides in London. You can follow Kyle on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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