You are currently viewing 5 Books To Manifest Love Working With The Law of Attraction

5 Books To Manifest Love Working With The Law of Attraction

When you become aware of the law of attraction you may have a lot of questions arise around how it really works and how to make it work for you. One of the most desired things to manifest ae love. Here we have compiled a list of books that can help you understand just how to do so!

The Top Books To Manifest Love

These books will inspire, uplift, and teach you just how to work with the law of attraction to create and become in resonance with the love you desire. Enjoy, as each of these books packs powerful information!

1. Manifesting Love: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Attract a Specific Person, Get Your Ex Back, and Have the Relationship of Your Dream

This book teaches all the different ways to impact romantic relationships through the law of attraction. Elizabeth Daniels guides you through aligning yourself vibrationally to be a match to your desired relationship as well as how you desire to be perceived.

She also has a whole chapter on the importance of visualization and how this is a direct key to manifest your desired romance. Click here to read our article on how to get visualization to work for you!

2. Manifesting Love: Using the Power of “LOA”, “EFT” & a “Love Spell” (FOR WOMEN ONLY Book 5)

Lanie Stevens wrote this book is specifically to support women in how their relationships with men. It uses three main techniques listed in the title, Emotional Freedom Techniques  (EFT), a love spell, and breaking down the law of attraction.

This book is for women who want to be desired by all men, change a relationship, or even get an ex back. This may be the perfect book for you if you are looking for specifics of stepping into your feminine energy to attract love.

3. Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life

This book is not specifically anchored within manifesting-love, but the techniques encompass manifesting any of your desires including love. The focus here is using creativity and visualization to align yourself to the reality you want.

Written by Shakti Gawain and Marci Shimoff this work can be applied to career, health, romantic, personal, or financial goals. You may enjoy our article on 3 techniques to manifest success with visualization!

4. Manifesting Love: 15 Steps To Creating The Love Life You Want & Have The Relationship Of Your Dreams!

Written by Nora Adams, this book when also comes with a free download of Nora Adams’ best selling book, Love Tips: 97 Scientifically Proven Love Tips: Including How To Make Hime Want You Forever, Boosting Your Relationship Intimacy & Methods Of Having A Long-Lasting Relationship when ordered through amazon.

This book can be applied to both men and women in romantic relationships. Reviews say that this reminds you of the things that you may have forgotten in your romantic life.

5. The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

Again, not specifically angled towards romantic relationships, but this book speaks about how all relationships stem from you. Therefore you are not only manifesting your desires romantic relationship but all of your relationships.

Written by Abraham Hicks this book is a best seller for working with the law of attraction in all forms. See our article on Abraham Hicks teachings on how to improve a relationship.

Continue Manifesting Your Dream Romantic Life

We have many sources to help you continue learning how to fine-tune your vibrational field to match your desired love life. Enjoy working with these 20 affirmations to manifest your desired romantic life. Here you can enjoy our list of spiritual books that will help you expand your consciousness and manifest your dreams.

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