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What Causes The Chakras To Be Blocked

Within one of the most ancient religious texts called the Vedas, the chakra system originated from. It was written within India around 1500 BCE. Now knowledge of the chakra system has circulated around to become a much more well-known tool for self-realization, enlightenment, and healing.

How Do Chakras Work?

The word Chakra translates from Sanskrit as “wheel” which begins to spark the understanding that chakras are continuously spinning and moving. Prana or life-force energy flows through them.

Chakras can be understood as energy centers that are gathered around the midline of the body and work their way up the spine. They gather around major organs and can be visualized as small vortexes of energy within the body that also radiate their energy outwards about one foot.

The chakras encompass the emotional, physical, and spiritual layers that correlate to that specific chakras purpose. Each chakra holds a different aspect of our psyche as well as has different elements and physical organs associated with it.

The chakra system works similar to a river segmented into seven sections. The prana flows throughout the entire chakra system as they are all interconnected just like the entire universe we live in.

If one section (chakra) becomes clogged it will affect the water flow (prana and health) within the other sections of the river (chakras). Each chakra can become blocked by suppressed emotions, fears, and holding onto what we need to let go of for our evolution.

Louise Hays, an author of many books such as Heal Your Body A-Z and You Can Heal Your Life, wrote these on the concept that our thoughts and emotions are what creates disease within the body. She goes to explain how negative emotions manifest within the body and work as a mirror to reflect back to us what is going on within our inner world.

The chakra system similarly works as a mirror into our emotions and beliefs around what the energy that chakra represents. We can look into imbalances and pain within the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies and trace it back through the chakra system to the chakra it correlates with and find ways to heal it.

The Seven Chakras


Muladhara in Sanskrit also known as the root chakra or first chakra it is our foundation to not just the seven Chakra system but to our own inner world. This chakra includes our primal physical needs such as financial stability, safe home situation, and accessibility to food. Commonly this chakra can be blocked by the emotion fear. To learn more about blockages and imbalances of the root chakra click here.


Svashisthana in Sanskrit also known as the sacral chakra or the second chakra is our connection to intimacy. This includes our creativity, emotions, sensuality, and pleasure. Commonly this chakra can be blocked by the emotion shame. To learn more about blockages and imbalances of the sacral chakra click here.


Manipura in Sanskrit also known as the solar plexus or the third chakra is our personal powerhouse. This is where our inner drive, motivation, self-confidence, and boundaries come from. Commonly this chakra can be blocked by feeling unworthy. To learn more about blockages within the solar plexus click here.


Anahata in Sanskrit also known as the heart chakra or the fourth chakra it is our center for emotional connection. It is the loving bridge between the three upper celestial and three lower earthly chakras. This chakra is where we feel acceptance, compassion, and unconditional love. Commonly this chakra is blocked by grief. To learn more about blockages within the heart chakra click here.


Vishuddan in Sanskrit also known as the throat chakra or the fifth chakra it is our center for self-expression. It contains our voice, our individual perception, our abilities to communicate as well as listen, and our uniqueness. This chakra can be commonly blocked by lacking self-acceptance. To learn more about blockages within the throat chakra click here.


Ajna in Sanskrit also known as the third eye or sixth chakra it is our center for our perspectives and it is where our intuition and learned intelligence bridge. This chakra relates to being able to clearly perceive reality. It can be commonly blocked by closed-mindedness and lacking self-trust. To learn more about blockages within the third eye chakra click here.


Names Sahasrara in Sanskrit also known as the crown chakra or the seventh chakra it is our connection to our faith, a higher power, unlimited wisdom unbound by the human preconceived ideas, and our connection to deep inner peace. This chakra can be commonly blocked by disconnection. To learn more about blockages within the crown chakra click here.

Further Reading

You may enjoy listening to this music that creates healing for the entire chakra system.

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