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Yoga To Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra Bija Mantra and Asanas

Our center of personal power, inner strength, and self-confidence can be rebalanced and rejuvenated through using yoga for the solar plexus chakra. Enjoy these asanas and the bija mantra for the solar plexus chakra.

Yoga Is More Than A Workout

If you have gone to many yoga classes you may have already found out that yoga offers a deeper depth than just working out your body. Different teachers have their own style and some may transmit the message of classical yoga and teach you how to work with the subtle energy bodies.

Yoga is a holistic healing method which means it treats the person as a whole. It deeply cleanses the body, the mind, and the spirit. Working with the chakra system is a big part of getting the most out of your yoga practice.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra in the seven chakra system, it is located in the region just above the navel. The solar plexus rules the stomach, spleen, gallbladder, liver, and skin.

It can be visualized in some ways as to how we digest life. Meaning how do we let go of what no longer serves us? How do we receive or maximize the nutrients life gives us?

It is represented by the element fire and the color yellow. You can understand this chakra as our center of creation, will power, and where we set our boundaries from. Healthy boundaries keep us alive, energized, and bring us closer to our goals.

Just as any chakra the solar plexus chakra can become blocked by suppressed, unhealthy patterns, trauma, and any stagnation within its territory these practices will help you to clear blockages from your solar chakra.

Yoga Asanas For The Solar Plexus Chakra

If you are ready to move your body with a 30 min yoga practice then go ahead and follow along with the video below. Otherwise, you can use the listed asanas throughout the day to promote strength, self-confidence, and clarity.

Asanas are the physical poses within yoga practice, this is where our movement practice comes in to heal and recalibrate the physical body. Here are some that work for the solar plexus chakra:

  • Chaturanga Dandasana – come into plank (modification lower the knees), shift your weight forward and align shoulders past the hands, come onto the balls of your feet, exhale lower your whole body while staying in a flat line, hover above the ground with arms at 90 degrees, can lower all the way down
  • Anjaneyasana Twist (Crescent Lunge Twist) – come into a high lunge, inhale to lift the front of the body, bring hands to prayer position, exhale bring opposite elbow over the bent leg’s quad, press arm into the thigh and the thigh into the arm to twist deeper, pull the bent leg’s hip back and squeeze legs into midline to stay strong
  • (Virabhadrasana II (Warrior 2) – step one foot back a little short than the distance you would make for a high lunge, rotate the back foot down to become parallel with the short edge of your matt, bend into the front knee while making sure the knee does not pivot inwards (which you can do by checking to make sure you can still see your big toe on the front foot), pull the feet inwards towards each other as if pulling up energy from the earth with it, activate the core and find length in the spine, inhale take the arms out to 90 degrees, keep the gaze over the front hand

Bija Seed Mantra For Solar Plexus Chakra

Mantras originated in Vedic Sanskrit within India. Mantra translated and broken down from Sanskrit is “man” meaning mind and “tra” which can be understood as to transfer or transport. Connecting these two translations, we can understand a mantra works as a conduit for higher wisdom and profound healing.

At Cleveland University, research shows that the melodic and rhythmic tones created when chanting form a soothing effect in the body called the Neuro-linguistic effect [NLE]. The release of healing chemicals in the brain is increased when we are intentionally attaching a meaning or understanding to the mantra.

Which is called the Psycholinguistic effect [PLE]. Each of the seven chakras has its own bija mantra that can link you directly to the energy of the chakra at its peak state. Meaning repeating these mantras can directly open, purify, nourish, and balance your chakras.

The solar plexus chakra’s bija mantra is Ram, pronounced am as you would the o in the word mom. You can chant this throughout your certain points within your yoga asana practice, during seated meditation, or when you want to bring more support to the solar plexus chakra.

More Resource To Care For Your Solar Plexus Chakra

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